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I have written several peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers and several other scientific publications including VTT publications, book chapter, reports, and short papers. The journal articles are published in highly ranked journals such as Journal of Systems and Software and International Journal of Agile Systems and Management. Furthermore, I have been a referee for scientific and scholarly journals such as Journal of Systems and Software, IEEE Software, International Journal of Agile and systems and Management, and International Journal of Knowledge and Learning.


Further information about my publications:
Google scholar account 
Research Gate

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

1. Suomalainen, Tanja; Myllykoski, Jenni. Towards Continuous Strategy in Software Intensive Business. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (IJASM), Vol 12, No. 3, (2019), pp. 278–305. 

2. Saari, Leila; Suomalainen, Tanja; Kuusela, Raija. Foresight process in software businesses. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Vol. 20 No. 2, (2019), p. 195-220. 

3. Suomalainen, Tanja; Xu, Yueqiang. Continuous planning through the three horizons of growth. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (IJASM), Vol. 9, No. 4, (2016), pp. 269-291. 

4. Rodrıguez, Pilar; Haghighatkhah, Alireza; Lwakatare, Lucy Ellen; Teppola, Susanna; Suomalainen, Tanja; Eskeli, Juho; Karvonen, Teemu; Kuvaja, Pasi; Vernerc, June M.; Oivo, Markku. Continuous Deployment of Software Intensive Products and Services: A Systematic Mapping Study. Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 123, January (2017), pp. 263–291. 


5. Suomalainen, Tanja; Kuusela, Raija; Tihinen, Maarit. Continuous Planning: An important Aspect of Agile and Lean Development. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (IJASM), Vol. 8, No. 2, (2015), pp. 132–162. (DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2015.070607). 


6. Suomalainen, Tanja; Kuusela, Raija; Teppola, Susanna; Huomo, Tua. Challenges of ICT Companies in Lean Transformation. ACSIJ Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 2, No.14, March (2015), pp. 49-56, (ISSN: 2322-5157). 


7. Tihinen, Maarit; Parviainen, Päivi; Suomalainen, Tanja; Eskeli, Juho. Study of Automated and Real-time Indicators for the Management of Global Software Development Projects. Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal (ACSIJ), Volume 4, Issue 1, January (2015), pp. 105-116, (ISSN: 2322-5157). 


8. Suomalainen, Tanja; Salo, Outi; Abrahamsson, Pekka;Similä,Jouni. Software product roadmapping in a volatile business environment. The Journal of Systems and Software, volume 84 issue 6, (2011), pp. 958–975. 

Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Conferences

9. Saari, Leila; Suomalainen, Tanja; Kuusela, Raija and Hämeen-Anttila, Tapio. Workshop-Based Corporate Foresight Process: a Case Study. Proceedings of the 17 International Conference of Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES 2016), Trondheim, Norway, November 22-24 2016, Springer Abrahamsson P. et al. (Eds.), LNCS 10027, pp. 580–589. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-49094-6_43


10. Karvonen, Teemu; Suomalainen, Tanja; Juntunen, Marko; Sauvola, Tanja; Kuvaja, Pasi and Oivo, Markku. The CRUSOE Framework: A Holistic Approach to Analysing Prerequisites for Continuous Software Engineering. Proceedings of the 17 International Conference of Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES 2016), Trondheim, Norway, November 22-24 2016, Springer Abrahamsson P. et al. (Eds.), LNCS 10027, pp. 643–661.


11. Suomalainen, Tanja. Defining Continuous Planning through a Multiple-Case Study. Proceedings of the 16 International Conference of Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES 2015), Bolzano, Italy, December 2-4 2015, Springer, Abrahamsson P. et al. (Eds.), LNCS 9459, pp. 288–294. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-26844-6_21 ISBN Print: 978-3-319-26843-9, ISBN online: 978-3-319-26844-6


12. Tihinen, Maarit; Parviainen, Päivi; Suomalainen, Tanja; Karhu, Katja; Mannevaara, Malin. ABB Experience of Boosting Controlling and Monitoring Activities in Collaborative Production. The sixth IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 2011), Helsinki, Finland, August 15-18, 2011. 


13. Suomalainen, Tanja; Tihinen, Maarit; Parviainen, Päivi. Challenges for product roadmapping in inter-company collaboration. SEAFOOD Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software Engineering Approaches for Offshore and Outsourced Development (SEAFOOD). ETH Zurich, Switzerland on July 2-3 2009. Springer (2009), pp. 66 – 80.


14. Parviainen, Päivi; Eskeli, Juho; Kynkäänniemi, Tanja; Tihinen, Maarit. Merlin Collaboration Handbook: Challenges and Solutions. ICSOFT 2008 – Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies. Porto, Portugal, 5 – 8 July 2008. INSTICC. Vol. SE (2008) No: GSDCA/M/, pp. 339 – 346.

Other Publications

15. Ph.D. Dissertation: Suomalainen, Tanja. Changing the planning for agile and lean software development: From roadmapping to continuous planning. 2016, VTT, Espoo, 108 p. + app. 126 p. VTT Science: 132. ISBN 978-951-38-8446-8; 978-951-38-8445-1. 


16. Master’s Thesis: Kynkäänniemi, Tanja. Product Roadmapping in Collaboration. 2007. VTT, Espoo. 112 p. + app. 7 p. VTT Publications: 625. 


17. Suomalainen, Tanja; Kuusela Raija. Continuous planning – a critical element of agile and lean development. In: Value-driven business in the cloud. Tua Huomo, Kaarina Karppinen, Pasi Pussinen (eds.). VTT Research Highlights: 9, 2013. VTT, Espoo, pp. 56 – 59. ISBN 978-951-38-8127-6 (print); 978-951-38-8128-3 (online). 


18. Kuusela, Raija; Teppola, Susanna; Suomalainen, Tanja; Huomo, Tua. The big 8: The challenges towards lean transformation. In: Value-driven business in the cloud. Tua Huomo, Kaarina Karppinen, Pasi Pussinen (eds.). VTT Research Highlights: 9, 2013. VTT, Espoo, pp. 60 – 63. ISBN 978-951-38-8127-6 (print); 978-951-38-8128-3 (online). 


19. Saari, Leila; Suomalainen, Tanja; Kuusela, Raija; Juntunen, Marko, Moqaddamerad, Sara. A Cookbook for Predicting the Future – Introduction of Foresight Tools. DIMECC Publications, Series no 13, Dimecc result publications 2/2017 (online), p. 79. 


20. Suomalainen, Tanja, and Myllykoski Jenni. Towards Continuous Strategy in the Context of Software Intensive Business. Proceedings of the 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF), Business in Society, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Copenhagen, Denmark, August 12-14, 2015. 
Won the Best Paper Award in Revitalizing Nordic Strategy Research. 


21. Suomalainen, Tanja, and Yueqiang, Xu. Enabling Continuous Planning and Development with Horizon Model. Proceedings of the 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF), Business in Society, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Copenhagen, Denmark, August 12-14, 2015. 


22. Suomalainen, Tanja and Myllykoski, Jenni. Continuous Strategy Process in the context of Agile and Lean Software Development. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP, Helsinki, Finland, May 25-29, 2015, pp. 371-372. 


23. Suomalainen, Tanja; Similä Jouni. From product roadmapping towards continuous planning: changing the ways of planning. Proceedings Volume 2 of the 15th International Conference Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, PROFES, Helsinki, Finland, December 10-12, 2014, pp. 4-9.


24. Laikari, Arto; Backman, Jere; Helaakoski, Heli; Suomalainen Tanja. European Blockchain analysis: BOND project (Blockchains Boosting Finnish Industry) report. VTT Technology; No. 331. Espoo: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, 2018, p. 60. ISBN (Electronic) 978-951-38-8652-3

25. Suomalainen, Tanja and Reijonen, Pekka. TKI-toiminta ja sen yhdistäminen opetukseen: Case DIT4BEARS + Hackathon. Lumen Lapland UAS Journal / Lumen Lapin ammattikorkeakoulun verkkolehti, 3/2023.

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